Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, known in Japan as Dragon Ball: Ultimate Blast Doragon Bōru Arutimetto Burasuto?), is a game based on the manga and anime franchise Dragon Ball Z, and is the third follow-up to the Budokai Tenkaichi series. they changed the name of this sequel since the Budokai Tenkaichi series has not been continued since 2007. It was developed by Spike and distributed by Namco Bandai starting in late October 2011 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 gaming consoles.
The game is a 3D fighter that allows players to take control of various characters from the Dragon Ball Z franchise or created by the player to either fight against the AI, or with another player locally or online.
Can Be Played on PC With PS3 Emulator Or A PS3 Console
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