Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Android studies 1

Android studies 1

I decided to start learning something new, and this new thing will be Android software development. As up to now I only used PHP, html, css, javascript and MySQL, this will be a huge step in my education.

This is a log of the process of me setting up the development enviroment and learning. It will be very useful when I will decide to do a clean install of the latest ubuntu or linux mint version. It will make reinstalling the enviroment a breeze...

I also have to mention that I use Ubuntu version 13.10 right now, so installing software will be done in the Linux-way :-)

I started by choosing an up-to-date book that can help with the first steps:
Learn Android App Development (Apress)

The first thing to do is to set up Eclipse and the Android SDK. There is a bundled version that can be downloaded from

All you need to do is to download and extract it to somewhere like /home/user/Programs/

I ran into a problem when I first started Eclipse, as the menu just didnt work in Ubuntu 13.10. The solution was to create a script that starts Eclipse:


I put it in /home/user/bin with the name eclipse. I also added the following 2 lines to .bashrc in my home directory to be able to start scripts in /home/user/bin and the sdk tools anytime:


After starting up Eclipse I followed the instructions in the book and installed some SDK components and created virtual machines for 3 Android devices running Android 4.2.2.

After playing a little with the virtual machines, I followed the instructions in the book and installed a few additional software that will be used later on.

Gimp: Already installed as I use it daily. You can install it by typing this in the terminal: sudo apt-get install gimp

Audacity: sudo apt-get install audacity

Lightworks: You can download it in deb format from

Blender: sudo apt-get install blender

This was the content of the first chapter in the book. We set up the development enviroment, created some virtual machines to play with and installed some other software that will be used later.

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