Monday, May 22, 2017

Apple continues the devolution of the computer industry with an unabashed Air of confidence a Lion and of course Steve!

Apple continues the devolution of the computer industry with an unabashed Air of confidence a Lion and of course Steve!

Back to the  Mac : New Apple Macbook Air supply for bewildered shareholders and Lions for the  Apple lambs...

I have now recovered from the latest Steve Jobs led sermon , something about getting me Back to the Mac.And I can firmly say that I do have my back to the Mac after listening to 90 minutes of nonsense .And coming as it does after a fall in share prices , I can now fully understand why those shares will continue to slide.

That is if Apple continues ignoring  what its potential customers want.

Its Alive !!!! It seems that the only design policy at Apple is to Frankenstein together gimped versions of ideas and  parts from its range of products, if it is selling  throw it in an Aluminium chasis , and  machine it down to make it thinner , not necessarily in that order of course. The new Mac Airs look like sand papered down versions of their ancestAir , which may explain the CEOs recent sandpaper fixation. Something about having to sand down your fingers to use a 7 inch touch screen , forgetting to mention that Apple`s ipod Nano has a 1.54 inch display,not to mention the iPhones 4 inch [being generous] screen !

Frankly many people find this  design philosophy hilarious , lets take not the fastest cpu ,not the fastest ram , not the nicest screen and pack it in a pretty box and sell it a 5 times what are competitors are charging. And yes 20 % of the customer base is falling for it , but 80% is not ! And with Western economies failing luxury sub optimal products like Apples will be hit hard come 2011.

I wish I could make Steve understand how easy he is making it for the competition in the long run . In the computer industry , in the long term the fastest best cheapest technology ALWAYS wins out , that is why you Apple are using Intel chips in macs now isn`t it .All  this has happened before and will happen say we all...

He likes to tease: As usual this latest iteration of releases from Apple is frustratingly devoid of cutting edge tech  , it is cutting edge fashionista coffee bar impress your potential  future partner tech. In fact what it will cut is  your wallet , dollar for dollar other less fashionable but more functional and powerful  laptops and notebooks are on the market , some of them costing 20% of the asking price of the larger Air . The question is are you a brave enough nerd to break from the herd?

What many fans were dreaming of was a touch screen Air and Apple has of course shattered those dreams :

Apple claims multi touch cannot be done on a laptop screen , you know like they claimed Flash or a full OS cannot be done on a slate , or a 7 inch display is unusable on a slate .  They say they confined multitouch to a trackpad because you would have to peck at a vertical screen:

This ignores the vast number of butterfly screened core i3 and core i7 laptops and netbooks that do multitouch , and have been doing so for years . All you had to do was make the screen twist ! how hard is that an idea to come up with?It seems the billion dollar R&D dept has not discovered the hinge yet , well it is a very low tech concept for such genii to waste their very important time on.....

Now why mention multitouch at all ? Because the great danger to Apple share prices comes not from cheaper faster and more functional competition but from it`s own iPad.

Its full of lies :For shareholders bemused and looking at falling share  prices : Consider why despite claims of total world domination [ a ruse  in itself: In real  terms 4 out of 5 computers are Windows/Linux /non  Apple , but the presentation focuses on  the 1 in 5 that are Apple ,  similarly Apple talks about increase in rates of purchase without  considering the saturation of the pc market or the fact that pc owners  have no need to purchase new machines every year , BECAUSE THEY CAN  UPGRADE the software  and the hardware . And frankly to use the tech  that I have in the PC in front of me I would have to wait around 3 years  for Steve to catch up , and pay around 5 times the cost of my very  expensive PC by the time I have purchased a new machine every year to  catch up and crawl back to tech level I was at with my pc 3 years  earlier . By which time the PC tech and software will have moved on !

An unforeseen problem Apple faces is that the initial success of the iPad has taken away the need for any of its other products , the target users the fashionistas, apple core fans ,  technophobes  , and technosheep are all quite satiated in the portable computing needs department.
Jump back to the launch of the iPad , when many people were interviewed outside their local Apple Temple , Apple fans used to at this time say as they had a macbook pro or air they would find it difficult to carry around an additional machine like the iPad .  Now jump back to present day and you will find people saying the opposite , I already have an iPAd ,  why do I need a Macbook  or Mac air?

In the end it is the customer that pays Apple shareholders dividends , and most are content with 2 iOS devices : a phone and iPad , waiting patiently for the iPad 2 .

The Airs are just more skus that create unnecessary  competition for Apples own product line .They add stress to the sales potential of competing Apple products ,

The concept Is always beautiful , the tech always frustratingly lacking ,the price always higher than necessary , and eventually this policy will hit a brick wall .

The 2010 Air should have been a multitouch convertible ,at present it is outdone by its iOS cousin the iPad .  This would have been a good time to retire it sending out the message that the net book is dead and strengthened the iPad at a time when demand is falling in spite of the present lack of viable competition.

The majority of new Mac owners are blissfully unaware whether their device runs on iOS or full blown Leopard and all this  talk of Lions ....well to the new Mac fans its all just  a lot of hot Air  whilst we/they wait for iPad 2.0... which I hope will be evolutionary ..not just thinner with cameras and more Ram ...

So come on Marty sorry Steve take us Back to the Mac/Future ... we know you can !

The Devolution has been quicktimed  : join it  here

check out Back to the Future: 25th Anniversary Trilogy (+ Digital Copy) [Blu-ray] , and Risky Business [Blu-ray] if you missed the riffs

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