Friday, May 5, 2017

Announcing flickrurlget Flickr photo downloader from command line in batch

Announcing flickrurlget Flickr photo downloader from command line in batch

This blog post is an announcement of flickrurlget, a command-line tool for Unix, written in Python 2.x that can be used to download photos from Flickr in batch. flickrurlget itself doesnt download photos, but it generates a list of raw photo URLs which can be downloaded with a download manager (even with `wget -i).

Download and install from source.

There are many photo download tools for Flickr (including command-line tools, GUI tools, Firefox extensions and Chrome extensions), none of which I tried having the feature set of flickrurlget:

  • Can get highest-resolution (if possible, original) image URLs in:
    • a Flickr photo
    • a photostream of a Flickr user (i.e. all photos of the user)
    • the favorite photos of a Flickr user
    • an album (photoset) of a Flickr user
    • a Flickr group
    • a gallery of a Flickr user
  • Batch operation: started from the command-line with a bunch of Flickr page URLs, and it discovers all the photos in there without any interaction.
  • Can get anybodys photos (not only your own).
  • Can get non-public and adult (non-safe) photos as well (after loggig in).
  • Doesnt need a GUI or a web browser for most of the operations.

There is the command-line tool flickr_download (source code and PyPi projet page), which is also written in python. Here is how flickrurlget is better than flickr_download:

  • Takes Flickr page URLs and figures out all parameters automatically.
  • Can download groups and galleries (in addition to user photostreams and photosets) as well.
  • Has user ID, group ID and photoset ID discovery: the user doesnt have to do manual ID lookups before running the tool.
  • Uses only standard Python modules, no other dependencies.
  • Better compatibility with old Python: works with 2.7, 2.6, 2.5 and 2.4; not only 2.7.

Flickr has a nice, full-featured REST API (works with both XML and JSON), its documentation is available here. flickrurlget uses this API. It can also optionally OAuth to log the user in.


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