Friday, June 23, 2017

antiX Linux review from my view

antiX Linux review from my view

antiX linux operating system default desktop wallpaperantiX linux operating system default desktop wallpaper

Recently, I have download another light-weight Debian based Linux antiX. I install it on a separate harddisk. It installed successfully and have not delete other operating systems on grub menu. I use it for several hours. First of all I like the philosophy of naming itself. AntiX developed by anticatpitalist. Great combination. I have not found any kind of history related to antiX operating system. I thought developer might be a diehard leftist. He is a protester of allkind of capitalism. I support you from the philosophical view.

I am trying antiX-M8.5-486 version. Code name is: Marek Edelman. I am not sure whether it is a codename or not. I saw this revolutionist on boot screen. I searched Google and found huge information about Marek Edelman. Naming Linux using leftist name is a really unique idea. I also thought that Linux should be a power of poor people. Linux itself and open source are a revolution against all kind of capitalism act of software giants. Linux will always fight against all kind of fundamentalism, capitalism and terrorism. I think s/he tries to focus on this. I welcome you and I like and support this idea. I wish to see famous revolutionist face on next versions.

What I got?
1. Antix-m8.5 use icewm for doing activity with window related activities. It dont have any desktop icon but we can use Rox window manager with desktop icon. I dont like to see many icons on desktop. I like iconless desktop on icewm.

2. Antix-m8.5 use pcmanfm as file manager. This works fine with me. I am satisfied to this tiny file manager. I use it on LXDE, I am joyful to know that pcmanfm also works on icewm.

3. In Office menu antix-m8.5 include Calculator, AbiWord, ePDFviewer, Gnumeric, iceape Address Book, Osmo, Phonebook. All are light-weight and full functional faster application. I think a general user does not need more in a office suit.

4. You would get many kind of essential application on Network menu. AntiX Default browser is Iceape . It is a mozila related work and fork of Seaminkey. This full-featured web-browser worked fine for me. But I like to use Firefox and Google chrome (ium). You can chat, compose or check mail, browse through FTP etc. job with antix-m8.5.

5. There are many items on Multimedia section. You can play audio, video, can rip any audio CD or burn CD or DVD. You can record sound with external microphone and edit. You can use webcam using Cheese, Gxine also included for better video viewing experience. Antix also added famous Goggles Music Manager (I wrote a post on it, named: �...). DVD slideshow making is very easy with imagination a simple and lightweight DVD slideshow maker. It has famous audio player XMMS (x multimedia system). This is a look alike of famous windows based audio player WinAmp. When I was on windows, I never ever use another music player instead of winamp. After transforming in linuxuser I found XMMS, but as a Ubuntu user I always missed it (I dont know whats the problem within ubuntu and xmms.). Antix-m8.5 also include Mplayer. It is a famous and powerful video player on Linux.

6. Game: It has only 3 (Three) Games installed. It also has a DOSBox Emulator, So you can run DOS games using this. It also have my alltime favourite Lbreakout, also has sudoku-savant, and xmahjongg.

7. Default background is really great. I like to get some information about this image, but cant. Nothing wrote anywhere.

At last I must say that I like the idea. This is really a very light operating system. Puppy also a light runner, but antiX has pcmanfm for exploring files and folder. Rox is also powerful and better. But it only support only one click option. I am not familiar with it. (I will tell you later, why I like pcmanfm file management)

I think if Mepis or own community keep support to it, antiX will go many miles on future.

Visit antiX Linux operating system website.

I am going to publish a snapshots gallery post on antiX operating system next. Follow next post for some snapshot of antiX linux operating system.

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