Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Application layer protocols in Mixim

Application layer protocols in Mixim

The current application layer protocols are divided to three categories:
  • 802.11p
  1. BaseWaveApplLayer
  2. TestWaveApplLayer 
  • Traci
  1. TraCIDemo 
It was designed to send one broadcast packet and after sending one packet one parameter, sent message, will be true and the application protocol can no longer send any packet. 
  1. TraCIDemo11p
  • Others
  1. BurstApplLayer 
It works like TraCIDemo but with this difference, that it send a burst of packets instead of just one packet. After receiving each broadcast packet, it replies an ACK packet if it finds "burstreply" true.
  1. SensorApplLayer *
  2. TestApplication *
  3. TrafficGen
A module to generate a certain rate of broadcast traffic. 
    It generates a certain rate of traffic. It uses three parameters for this purpose as follows: packet time/packet per packet time/burst size. This protocol also sends broadcast packets like BurstApplLayer


    It was designed to send one broadcast packet and after receiving each broadcast packet, it replies an ACK packet.

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