Android studies update 1
Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
ADB is a command-line tool that you can install on Ubuntu with the following command in the terminal: sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb
This tool can be used to list devices, install .apk files, copy files to and from devices.
The command adb devices lists the attached android devices or running Android Virtual Machines. To see non-virtual devices, you have to turn on USB debugging in the Developer settings of the device. You might also have to run adb as root if you get the no permissions error when listing devices. In this case:
sudo killall -9 adb
sudo adb devices
After this you dont need sudo as the adb daemon is running as root.
You can open a terminal to connected devices using the adb shell command. You get a standard linux command line shell in which you can browse the file system and execute commands.
Some Eclipese hotkeys
ctrl+shift+l = Show hotkey list in which you can type to search what you need
ctrl+page up/down = Switch between opened files
ctrl+shift+f = Format source code
Creating the Hello World project
To jump start testing, you might want to create the usual Hello World program in eclipse by clicking File > New > Other > Android Application Project. Name the project Hello World and use the default options that are offered.
You can use the Run command to test the app. You might want to fire up your virtual device or connect the non-virtual one before.
If nothing seems to happen, you might be viewing the wrong file in the editor pane, try AndroidManifes.xml
You can open the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) in Window > Open perspective DDMS
Complementary Cat Picture (CCP)